
Specialist expertise developing the aerospace technologies of the future
Harrier jumpjet coventry university

The UK has a 17% global market share in aerospace industry revenues – second only to the US. While the Midlands aerospace cluster is the largest in Europe, covering a range of activity from systems to interiors to powertrain.

Coventry & Warwickshire, the home of the original jet engine and a leader in transport technologies and advanced manufacturing and engineering, plays a major part in this global supply chain.


businesses support transport technologies

employed across transport technologies


Global brands
Home to global names including Rolls Royce, Lisi Aerospace and Meggitt.
Local expertise
Local aerospace companies include Nasmyth, Arrowsmith, JJ Churchill and Sigma.
Rolls Royce
OEM Rolls Royce - 3 local aerospace sites: Ansty for maintenance and servicing, Nuneaton for manufacture and a major R&D campus at Ansty Park.
Midlands cluster
Midlands Aerospace Alliance (MAA) – based in Coventry with 300 members, the largest aerospace cluster in Europe.
Coventry & Warwickshire Cluster
The Coventry & Warwickshire Aerospace Forum (CWAF) - a cluster of specialist local aero suppliers, collaborating and working with local universities.

Aerospace centres of excellence

Advanced Manufacturing Catapult Centres

Sector ecosystem

The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), Ansty - a High Value Manufacturing Catapult Centre set up by the UK government to provide specialised facilities in manufacturing technologies and processes in aerospace engines, structures and digital technologies. Includes the £60m High Temperature Research Centre (HTRC), a collaboration between Rolls Royce and the University of Birmingham - focused on casting, design, simulation and advanced manufacturing research.
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The £30m Aerospace Research Centre - brings together major aerospace companies developing the aerospace technologies of the future.
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WMG at the University of Warwick - an academic department and a High Value Manufacturing Catapult Centre working closely with aerospace industries providing research solutions and R&D facilities in engineering, manufacturing and technology. Long history of working with aerospace companies within the areas of material lightweighting, composites, additive layer manufacturing, machining technologies, lean manufacturing and supply chain and operations.
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The National Transport Design Centre at Coventry University - state-of-the-art facilities and virtual reality technologies to support the transport industry with future advanced design needs.
The National Transport Design Centre at Coventry University - state-of-the-art facilities and virtual reality technologies to support the transport industry with future advanced design needs.
54,000 Students studying at the University of Warwick and Coventry University plus over 100,000 graduates a year from 15 Universities within a 1 hour drive.
The WMG Academy for Young Engineers for 14-18 year olds.
The Lloyds Bank Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre - from apprenticeship programmes to executive level training.
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Institute for Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering - developing industry-ready engineering graduates.
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Coventry and Warwickshire may be known for its automotive sector, but is also steeped in aerospace industry history. The strong local skills base and network of qualified aerospace suppliers make it one of the key local clusters in Midlands and UK aerospace.

Andrew Mair
Midlands Aerospace Alliance

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